You may know that visuals are important, but have you ever stopped to think about how influential they can be?

For example, after a few days, people only remember 10% of the information that was told to them. But when a visual is added, that percentage jumps all the way up to 65%. 

If you're trying to improve your online presence or boost your business, you're likely thinking about photos.

You may even be wondering if it matters whether you use stock photos, professional photos, or photos taken on your own. 

The answer is yes! Professional photos make all the difference when it comes to showing people the very best side of your business.

Keep reading to find out why professional photography is something it's time to invest in.

People only remember 10% of the information that was told to them.

1. Show Instead of Tell

Informative and engaging writing content is important for any website, but visuals take that content to the next level in a way that words just can't. 

Think about it this way: When you go to buy a product online, what's the first thing your eyes go toward? The product description or the product's picture? Likely the picture, as we want to know what something looks like with our own eyes before we decide to purchase or invest in it. 

Our eyes naturally go to visuals, as they often tell us much more than the words do, and at a much faster rate as well. By having professional website photos taken, you can give consumers an image to attach to your product or service. 

With how advanced technology has become, adding photos and videos to your website is more essential than ever to stand out among the crowd.

2. Make a Professional First Impression

Even if you have an excellent camera on your phone, taking your own pictures with this isn't going to produce the same results as professional photography will. 

A professional photographer has years of experience learning the best ways to capture subjects, and they've had plenty of time to perfect their style. They have invested in the gear that will take your photos to the next level, and they know how to edit them professionally as well. 

And the best part? Professional photographers do all of this work for you, so you can sit back and relax knowing you'll receive photos for your company that make it shine. 

Your images are judged by customers or clients immediately upon viewing them, whether people are consciously doing it or not. If someone pulls up your website and sees a blurry, dark photo, they might assume your business offers the same poor-quality services. 

By getting photos done by a professional, you'll help ensure their first impression of your business is a positive, professional, and impressive one.

3. Help Your Customers Get to Know You

When people go to a business's website or social media page, one of their main goals is to get an idea of that business's general vibe. Photos play a huge role in this.

For example, whether you show a silly side of your company through photography or a serious tone will affect how customers and clients think of you. Additionally, showing a photo full of diverse people will send one message while showing people that all look the same sends another. And one simple photograph can do all of this talking!

While it can be tempting to say, "I can just use stock photography for my business - there are so many photos already out there!" this isn't the strongest option. 

Yes, stock photography is useful, but it doesn't show people exactly what you offer, meaning it can also be misleading. Plus, think of all the people already using those stock photos! All of that repetition on the Internet isn't going to make people think your business is unique. 

Instead, show people what your business looks like. Have photos taken of your office or building, your team members, your products, your services - anything you can think of that shows a more personal picture of what you do.

4. Use Professional Photos in a Multitude of Ways

Maybe you're thinking, "A professional photographer is a bigger investment - is it really worth it?" In short, yes. 

Once you have these professionally taken photos in your hands, they don't have to only be used for the website or one brochure. A great photographer will stockpile you with photos you can use for literally anything your business might need them for.

Maybe this month you want to update your website with new photos, and next month you'd like to add photos to your blog posts. After that, you want to create new marketing materials, and then you're going to focus on your social media outreach. 

All of these tasks require high-quality photos, and a professional photographer can provide you with all of the shots you need. This leaves you with images you can use for all types of different things, helping you get the most bang for your buck.

5. Boost Your Discoverability on the Internet

We've become a highly visual society, and as such, we gravitate toward images and engaging videos daily. Think of the success of TikTok and Instagram - people scroll through videos and photos for hours and hours!

Professional photos can help people find you on the web. When it comes to SEO (search engine optimization), the Internet takes into account whether a site or page has an image on it. This often means that pages with photos, videos, or visuals rank higher in search results than those without them. 

If your goal is to get people to stick around on your blog posts, social media pages, or product listings, adding professional photos is a great way to help with this. They can even help give you a boost over your competitors.

Opt for Professional Photos for Your Company

Professional photos can help represent your brand in the best light and tell the world exactly who you are. While the cost may have you skeptical at first, it will pay off in the long run. 

If you're feeling overwhelmed by the process, we're here to help. Whether it's taking professional photos and videos for you or helping you create your website, our experienced team can do it all. 


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